
5 tips for keeping in touch with your family

It is not easy in this period when the virus circulates faster than the shadow of Lucky Luke .. With the new directives, it is no longer possible to leave your home, at least you have to limit your trips… The quarantine is to be taken very seriously. The sooner we understand, the faster we will get out of this ordeal and we will be able to resume a normal life. And no, it will not kill your social life. Admittedly, it is difficult because some of us cannot live alone or even simply locked up for more than 24 hours. Others will say, “But how am I going to do without seeing my family or my friends ?!”. Then you are on the right article because Eventer is there to help you overcome all these fears. We do not let you down and even less in this situation!

You can already discover our tips for killing boredom in the article “8 activities to deal with quarantine” and today we are going to talk about a series of ways to keep in touch with your family and friends despite the distance .
Away from the eyes but close to the ♥ with Eventer!

  1. Facetime

Social network such as Whatsapp, Messenger, Facebook Live, Skype, etc, allow you to make video calls to share your days or your gossips. Yes yes, I see you, I know you already know what happened to Jeanine’s little dog, Paul’s colleague who lives in the same neighborhood as your cousin by marriage.

Take full advantage off Facetime. Not only is it free, but you can invite many people to participate. Social networks like Messenger even offer different funny filters, but also games to play with your head. Like for example, catching burgers with your mouth. Your head gets bigger depending on the number of hamburger caught. Laughter guaranteed! Tested and approved !

We know very well that Granny’s recipes are the best! Why not call her with Facetime and organize a small cooking workshop? With simple ingredients, you can do anything. Ask her to teach you an easy recipe! The secret of her beer pancake batter, for example! And hop, a good time with family, from distance yes, but still a good moment. Above all, she will share her knowledge with you. How lucky ! Enjoy the little things while you still have the chance ♥.

Why not make your video calls more interesting? Get together with others on one of the different networks and start an e-pero! What is that again, you will ask me? It’s a long distance aperitif! The concept is pretty cool. Something to brighten up your days with a small glass, sausage, cheese and your friends. Celebrate a birthday or an important occasion virtually or simply discuss everything and nothing. Because even in quarantine, nothing will stop us!

Attention alcohol is dangerous for your health! To consume with moderation.

Groups on Facebook have been created in this sense! Join them immediately!

2. Online Games

Are you bored, you don’t know what to do to kill time? Online board games are available. Like for example: UNO games, Scrabble, etc. You can also chat with your friends via the chat when you play. For the UNO, be careful if you use too many +4 or +2, tensions can be created or worse … attempted murders. At your peril!

If you like board games then this is perfect for you. Did you know? Online games such as The werewolf are available on different websites feel free to take a look!

Invite friends and family members to play; a game can have up to 50 participants. What to have fun until the end of the night. Who will be the werewolf in the game? Pay close attention! Call upon your evil spirit MOUAHAHAHA.

3. The old-fashioned phone call

The internet and social media are great, but think of those who are not connected. What?! Is it possible nowadays ?! Yes, there are still people who do not have WiFi at home. Some grandparents, in particular. So arm yourself with your phone and make a phone call to reassure your loved ones and friends and tell them that everything is fine on your side. In addition, no more excuses because the mobile operators have changed their plan especially for the “Covid-19” situation. You will not see any differences on your next bill. So make a lot of phone calls, it’s fun and warms the heart :).

4. Eventer album

Eventer gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of albums for any event. The perfect opportunity to show your loved ones that everything is good at home through photos or videos! Invite your relatives and friends to join your special quarantine album and publish their content there. Photos or videos of your activities, your dishes etc. In short, everything you want to brighten up the days of your family members but also your own days. It’s a great way to help each other and not feel alone in this situation. All shoulder to shoulder! Let’s cross this ordeal together! Let’s get out of this ordeal together!

A competition waits for you on the Event – Collect & Share Memories networks. See you on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn! Click on this link to become aware of the terms and conditions of the contest :). To your most creative ideas!


On top of all that, Eventer would like to thank its users by offering them the LIVE SHOW option (worth €70 including tax) for each new album created during the quarantine period.

5. Netflix Party

What ?! You still don’t know? !!!! A Google Chrome extension was created thanks to Netflix. Wait, wait for me to explain!

The principle of this extension is simple. From your pc, launch the film on the Netflix website. Then send the link to your friends and families so that they can join you virtually. That way, you will see the movie at the same time with them. In addition, a chat is available to react in real time to the movie. Nice isn’t it?

But how to do it? Click on this link, everything is explained. Don’t thank me :D!


I assure you, I am not sponsored to speak about this. I found this information especially for you!

Well, I told you: the distance is only a detail … There is no barrier for having fun with your family, especially with new technologies! It feels good to disconnect a bit from everything that is happening at the moment and spend time with our loved ones… even if they are far away 🙂


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