FAQ: You have questions? We answer them!

Most frequently asked questions

What is the live show?

The Live Show is a live animation for your event. Just connect one or several screens to a computer and all the photo, video and gifs are showed live in a professional manner.

You can remotely control the Live Show and send text from the Eventer application.

The live show is a paid option.

It is available in in-app purchase only for private events or in our private premium or premium packages.

What does eventer do concerning GDPR?

We are GDPR compliant 😀

When entering Eventer, a series of options ask for validation to different accesses (smartphone gallery, camera…)

We neither use our users’ data for commercial purposes nor for publicity purposes. The data is protected by our servers.

There is no obligation to log in with an account to join an album, it is possible to join it anonymously without entering any information in the application.

For the Premium Licence, we have a content moderation option that prevent explicit or hatred content.

The guest can remove any content he added to an event.

The host (admin’s account) have the possibility to delete any content. He also have the possibility to ban any guest if it is necessary.

If a photo a video is not to a user’s taste, he can signal it to the host, who will decide whether he wants to delete it or not.

Can we add pictures from our computers?

Yes, it’s possible! First, you need to have received the invitation link to the event and joined the album in Eventer. Here’s a tutorial that will show you how to add pictures from your computer:


How can a guest join an event before the event?

Two possibilities:

  • The button invite/share

This button directly sends the invitation link to your event, to the people you want to attend to your event. You can send this link through your preferred social media (Whatsapp, Mail, Messenger…) along with a short modifiable text proposing your guest to join your album.

  • QR code: You can send the QR code to your guests, they will only have to scan it.
How can we invite guests on the day of the event?
  • Invitation link

At any time, you or a participant can send an invitation link via the communication tool that you want (mail, Whatsapp, airdrop…)

  • Geolocalization

When creating your event, you have taken the time to register its address. When the guests will arrive to this address, they will automatically receive the invitation to your event on their application (remind them to check whether their application is active on their smartphone).

  • QR code

You can place the QR code in different places in your event so that your guests can scan it when they arrive.

Can we invite a guest AFTER the event?

Some of your guests haven’t joined your album on the day of your event? No worries! You can send them the invitation link again 😉 They are also still able to scan the QR code to join the event and add all of the beautiful pictures they took.

Only the geolocalization will stop working after the event!

Is it mandatory for users to create an account to join an event?

Absolutely not! You can join events anonymously. To do so, activate your geolocalisation on the day of the event. Open the application once you get there and you will automatically receive the suggestion of the event!

What is the premium pack and what does it include?

The premium pack offers functionalities that allow professionals to optimize their Eventer experience, animate their event and increase the interaction with and between the participants. This offer also includes remote services. The experience represents the best of the Photo Booth and the social wall.

What is the private premium and what does it include?

It is conceived for private events (birthdays, weddings, religious celebrations…). It improves the eventer experience by proposing paid features and user support.

Private Premium EN

Are the paid offers available for only one event?

The majority of the options and packages are for one event only. However, the full pack, available in in-app purchase, can be bought for a year. It will be available for all the events created during one year.

What are the prices for the in-app purchases?

Our full pack costs 9.99 euros! It contains the retrieval of your content in their original quality and the possibility to post videos that can last up to 30 minutes in your album, instead of 30 seconds for the free version.

  • NEW: Buy the full pack for a whole year to benefit from those advantages for all the events created over that year.
  • The private live show, ONLY AVAILABLE IN IN-APP PURCHASES FOR PRIVATE EVENTS, it costs 69.99 euros.
What is the annual licence?

It is conceived for professionals who regularly need the Premium formula. They organize numerous events throughout the year. The annual licence is then an unlimited subscription during a one-year period.

Such licence requires a meeting between the client and our Manager in order to define the needs and wishes of the client and propose an adapted tailor made annual licence.

Other questions

What does eventer do concerning GDPR?

We are GDPR compliant 😀

When entering Eventer, a series of options ask for validation to different accesses (smartphone gallery, camera…)

We neither use our users’ data for commercial purposes nor for publicity purposes. The data is protected by our servers.

There is no obligation to log in with an account to join an album, it is possible to join it anonymously without entering any information in the application.

For the Premium Licence, we have a content moderation option that prevent explicit or hatred content.

The guest can remove any content he added to an event.

The host (admin’s account) have the possibility to delete any content. He also have the possibility to ban any guest if it is necessary.

If a photo a video is not to a user’s taste, he can signal it to the host, who will decide whether he wants to delete it or not.

Can we add pictures from our computers?

Yes, it’s possible! First, you need to have received the invitation link to the event and joined the album in Eventer. Here’s a tutorial that will show you how to add pictures from your computer:


What is the definition of the pictures shared on Eventer?

Eventer keeps your photos in HD: 1080 pixels. If you wish the best quality, our Full Pack option is available in our in-app purchasing or in our Private Premium pack.

For how long is a Live Show available?

The Live Show is linked to ONE album, but it is available forever.

Is there a limit in the number of participants or pictures/videos in the album?


  • No limit of events
  • No limit of guests
  • No limit of content


No limits at all! Use it as much as you want.

Can the Live Show be played multiple times?

The live show is available for life, like all your Eventer events! You can then see it as many times as you like 😉

Are there iOS that do not function with the application?

The oldest iOS version that the application can support is iOS 9. If you have a previous version, chances are that you will not be able to use the application correctly.

Is it mandatory for the participants to create an Eventer account?

No, the participants can log in through email, Facebook, Linkedin or anonymously. However, you have an option that prevent anonymous guests.

How can a guest join an event before the event?

Two possibilities:

  • The button invite/share

This button directly sends the invitation link to your event, to the people you want to attend to your event. You can send this link through your preferred social media (Whatsapp, Mail, Messenger…) along with a short modifiable text proposing your guest to join your album.

  • QR code: You can send the QR code to your guests, they will only have to scan it.
How can we invite guests on the day of the event?
  • Invitation link

At any time, you or a participant can send an invitation link via the communication tool that you want (mail, Whatsapp, airdrop…)

  • Geolocalization

When creating your event, you have taken the time to register its address. When the guests will arrive to this address, they will automatically receive the invitation to your event on their application (remind them to check whether their application is active on their smartphone).

  • QR code

You can place the QR code in different places in your event so that your guests can scan it when they arrive.

Can we invite a guest AFTER the event?

Some of your guests haven’t joined your album on the day of your event? No worries! You can send them the invitation link again 😉 They are also still able to scan the QR code to join the event and add all of the beautiful pictures they took.

Only the geolocalization will stop working after the event!

How can we scan a QR code?
  • With an Iphone: aim at the QR code with your phone camera, a link will be suggested. Click on it, and you will be directed to on the downloading page of the application. After downloading it, you will be directed directly to the album.
  • With android: you can scan the QR code through a QR reader.
  • From the Eventer application: You can find the QR reader at the top right of your screen 😀
How can we log in on Eventer?
  • Via Facebook
  • Via Linkedin
  • Via email address
How can we log in on Eventer via Facebook?

Get your Facebook profile picture and username and your eventer profile is ready!

How can we log in on Eventer via Linkedin?

Get your Linkedin profile picture and username and your eventer profile is ready!

How can we log in on Eventer via mail?
  • If a new account is created: insert your email address, a password and username of your choice in order to create your Eventer account. You can reuse this account for all the events you wish to create or attend!
  • If the account is already created: just type in your email address and password 😉
Is it mandatory for users to create an account to join an event?

Absolutely not! You can join events anonymously. To do so, activate your geolocalisation on the day of the event. Open the application once you get there and you will automatically receive the suggestion of the event!

How can we create an account?

To create an account on Eventer, open the application in your smartphone and select “Connection by email”. By clicking on this button, you will have the possibility to create an account. Fill in the required information (email address, password, username), and add a profile picture.

That’s it, your account is created!

How can we add a filter?

Go to your event, click on the button situated at the bottom of your screen, and BAM! The filter is here, ready to be used!

You can decide whether you want to add it or not on the pictures you’re taking from this button. It is also possible to add this filter on the pictures you already have in your smartphone gallery.

How can we share a picture?

Click on the picture in Eventer, then on the sharing icon underneath it. Now, pick the application you would like to share it with!

How can we change our password?

Four steps:

  • Click on “log in by email”
  • Click on “log in”
  • Click on “forgot password”
  • Change your password 😉
How can we leave an event?

Click on the event, then on the three dots situated at the top right of your screen and on “leave event”. That’s it!

How can we find the pictures and videos taken from one guest in particular?

You’re looking for the picture that your colleague john took because you want to make it your new Facebook profile picture but there are approximately 40000 pictures on the album? Click on the magnifying glass at the top of the event. Look for “John” in the “authors”, and you’ll have access to all the content he added during the event!

How can we add text?

After taking a picture, you will see some emoticons appear at the bottom of your screen. Amongst them, there is  “Aa” . Click on it, and you will see the text “tap here” appear on your screen. Do so, and write the text that suits you 😉

How can we add accessories?

After taking your picture, you will see some emoticons appear at the bottom of your screen. Amongst them, there is a moustache with glasses . Click on it, and you will see all the accessories appear on the left of your screen. Have fun!

How can we change the geolocalization?

You must be the host of the event. In the event screen, click on the “configure” button at the top right of your screen. On the search bar situated at the top right of the map, type the address of the event!

How can we change the text of the Live Show?

You must be the host of the event. Click on “Live Show” at the top left of your screen once you’re in the event. Finally, click on the “LIVE SHOW TEXT” button, and you can modify it as you like!

How can we increase the passage frequency of the Live Show?

Four steps:

  • Click on the photo/video
  • Click on the three dots at the top right
  • Click on Live Show property
  • Choose your frequency
If someone passes by my event, does he/she have access to my event?

Eventer does not send any push notifications so that person will not be warned when (s)he passes by your event.

For your tranquillity, three solutions:

  • Select the smallest possible area for your event. This functionality is called “connection by GPS” and invites you to choose the size of your event (100m,200m, 250m)
  • Prioritize the access to your album by invitation link, less by geolocalization

Add a password to have access to your album and share it with your guests

Can we print pictures from Eventer?

It is not possible to do that directly from the application yet! However, as your pictures are saved in HD in eventer, it is completely possible to print your favourites! To do so, save the pictures in your smartphone gallery and send them on an online printing platform for instance 😉

How can we delete an account?

Go to the chatbot situated at the bottom right of the website’s page or click on the button “contact us” in the application. There, you can ask for the deletion of your account. We will need the email address linked to your account.

How can we remove pictures from the Live Show?

While the host can always remove content from the event, if you have the Premium licence

You can click at three dots on the top right of the picture, then on “Live Show Property” and select “never”.

How can we modify the date of the event?

You must be the host of the event. On the album, click on the “configure” button located at the top right of the screen. Then, modify the time and date of the Event. Finally, do not forget to click on “save” at the bottom.

How can we send pictures from a camera?

There are two possibilities:

  • The camera can be linked to the smartphone -> tutorial
  • If the camera cannot be linked to the smartphone: you need a computer to insert the SD card inside => tutorial
What can we do if our guests invite people that we don’t want to see at the event?

The host of the event can ban any guest if it is necessary.

How can we be sure that we know all the participants at the event?

There are two functionalities in the parameters of the application:

  • You have an option in the event that prevent anonymous guests, so only email, Facebook or Linkedin users are accepted.
  • In the Premium licence the host can limit the access to Facebook or Linkedin users.
Do we need internet for the live show?

Sir, yes sir!

The Live Show is an internet page (like a website), allowing the broadcasting of all the content in the event. An internet connection is then required by wifi or 4g.

What is the “Full pack” and what is its price?

The full pack is part of the in-app purchases. It is an option that you can buy when you create an album in the application. This option allows you to keep your pictures in their original quality. Moreover, it allows you to upload in your album videos that can last up to 30 minutes (instead of 30 seconds in the free version of the application)! It costs 9.99 euros for an event/album or 79.99 for the whole year 😉

What is the premium pack and what does it include?

The premium pack offers functionalities that allow professionals to optimize their Eventer experience, animate their event and increase the interaction with and between the participants. This offer also includes remote services. The experience represents the best of the Photo Booth and the social wall.

What is the private premium and what does it include?

It is conceived for private events (birthdays, weddings, religious celebrations…). It improves the eventer experience by proposing paid features and user support.

What is the difference between premium and private premium?

Three elements are included in the premium offer and not in the private premium:

  • The insertion of a filter dedicated to the company
  • The professional version of the live show (more control on the content)
  • The briefing of the photographer
Are the paid offers available for only one event?

The majority of the options and packages are for one event only. However, the full pack, available in in-app purchase, can be bought for a year. It will be available for all the events created during one year.

What are the services included in the premium pack?

They are the following:

  • Creation and setting of the album dedicated to the event
  • Creation of an explicative text for the participants
  • Remote technical support: briefing of the live show responsible and the photographer
What are the prices for the in-app purchases?

Our full pack costs 9.99 euros! It contains the retrieval of your content in their original quality and the possibility to post videos that can last up to 30 minutes in your album, instead of 30 seconds for the free version.

  • NEW: Buy the full pack for a whole year to benefit from those advantages for all the events created over that year.
  • The private live show, ONLY AVAILABLE IN IN-APP PURCHASES FOR PRIVATE EVENTS, it costs 69.99 euros.
What is the Full Pack?

It is a paid option available in purchase from the application in the full package or private premium formula. It allows you to keep your pictures in their original quality. Moreover, this option allows you to upload videos that can last up to 30 minutes in your album.

What is the Live Show?

The Live Show is a live animation for your event. Just connect one or several screens to a computer and all the photo, video and gifs are showed live in a professional manner.

You can remotely control the Live Show and send text from the Eventer application.

The live show is a paid option.

It is available in in-app purchase only for private events or in our private premium or premium packages.

What is included in Eventer freemium – the free version?

The free version of eventer includes:

  • Unlimited amount of events
  • Unlimited number of pictures and videos per events
  • Unlimited amount of participants per events
  • Eventer Movie: It is the little brother of the Live Show, less features but perfect for a small private event.
What is the annual licence?

It is conceived for professionals who regularly need the Premium formula. They organize numerous events throughout the year. The annual licence is then an unlimited subscription during a one-year period.

Such licence requires a meeting between the client and our Manager in order to define the needs and wishes of the client and propose an adapted tailor made annual licence.

What is the tailor-made offer?

It is the premium formula assorted with YOUR specific development demands. Contact our sales team to tell them about your needs and obtain a demo of what we have already accomplished for big national and international companies.

Which events enter in the private category and which enter in the professional category?

At Eventer, we call “private” events like birthdays, weddings, religious or family celebrations…

During those events, the private premium pack will be suggested to optimize the experience.


We call “professional”, events that are corporate such as:


– Team buildings
– Family days
– Kick offs
– Product launches
– Staff parties

à Public events
– Fairs and exhibitions
– Sponsoring
– Festivals, concerts
-Jumble sales, village parties
– Christmas markets
– Sports matches

à Others
– Graduations
– Anniversary of an establishment

For those events, the most adapted formula is the Premium one which costs 300€ (without VAT)

What are the payment means?
  • In-app purchasing: online payment from your Apple or Playstore account.
  • Private Premium: bill to pay in advance, by bank transfer or Paypal, before the creation of your Private Premium Eventer album, according to our general payment conditions.
  • Premium: Bill addressed to the company/professional, to pay by bank transfer within 30 days or Paypal.

Interested ? You can find information on our prices on our

purchasing page!

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